Archive for the ‘London impressions’ Category

My London impressions

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

My Theatre Misadventure.

I was.. well .. impressed

It was at the Lay Down Your Cross, at the Swiss Cottage theatre on 16-3-12. I was sitting in the front row and was enjoying the play enormously, taking pictures on the sly, no flash, of course, for my blog from time to time. Then the play was interrupted, horror of horrors, because of me! The leading actor, who in my view looked quite scary,  spoke directly to yours truly: You are distracting me, and it is strictly forbidden to take pictures during the play. I didn’t know that. I don’t take pictures where there’s a sign with the camera, but there was no such sign and for me, who doesn’t watch TV nor reads papers, some obvious things sometimes are not so obvious. Anyway, the play continued after this short interruption and I – would you believe it – enjoyed it a lot! I especially liked the way it ended. My “nemesis” was going to paint the wall of his room. His son’s girlfriend comes and offers him a hand. He says OK, and they roller paint the wall. And it was real paint and real rollers and they just started working, not talking, just painting the wall for a minute or two, and the lights went down. I thought it was very good. Sorry I don’t have any pictures that I took, because they asked me to delete all after the play. That picture is borrowed from the internet. The guy who spoke to me is on the right 🙂

A warm day on the first of March

Regent’s park. Sixteen degrees on the first of March, 2012.

The beautiful Queen’s Gallery at the Buckingham Palace

To my mind the Queen does a very good job in appearing accessible to the public. Even if you are a paying visitor, still you can feel the genuine desire to give you -the visitor – a truly warm welcome and a real value for your money. The Palace is well worth the visit if only to experience that feeling of the Royal welcome. You just can’t help saying Long live the Queen.

The Queen’s Gallery – another impression. Simply majestic !

A synagogue next door to the Islamic centre in London.

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